Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why is the Derv running

So why am I am running, well I am running for two reasons, first because I needed to prove to myself that I am in shape and have moved from a sedentary lifestyle to active lifestyle and second, I would like to be around to see my son grow up, graduate HS, watch him total my car, go to college, get his nose pierced and to also to continue to "age" my wife so we can grow old together....

So back to the why I started to run....

This transformation began in September of 2007 when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I have had a history of High Blood pressure that I was doing a good job of ignoring and not dealing with for about three years so the combination of the two was the kick in the pants that I needed to take control of my health. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that my weight and sedentary lifestyle were the primary cause of these two problems and that if I didn’t deal with my health then I better get some good life insurance.

So the same day I got the call from my Doctor, I chose to do something about my health and the next day I began my current journey into an active lifestyle and my pursuit to get my Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure under control through weight loss and exercise. I don't believe in diets since they are only short term fixes. I decided to make changes in what I ate, when I ate and most importantly do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Well since September I have lost 50lbs and my Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels are under control and my diabetes is in remission. As part of my journey I began running in November of 2007 and I have been addicted to it since. The reason I have taken to running is that prior to this lifestyle change my motto was always “I Run When Chased” and I was really good at keeping true to this motto.

I guess the reason was that at 260lbs running wasn’t a lot of fun and if I could run then I must be in shape? Once the running began, I decided to challenge myself by entering into some races, with my first one being last March on my birthday. The race was a 4 mile race to raise money for the and it was a great way to keep me motivated over the winter and build up my miles.

After my first race and the fact that I finished it and I didn’t come in dead last (finished in 33:53) I got hooked and decided hey wouldn’t it be great to run a marathon in 2009 when I turned 40?

If anybody knows my wife, at the moment I told her this great idea of mine, just picture in your head her facial expression and her response, I will leave it that…..

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