Ranked according to my perception of importance:
- Get down from my current 215-220 weight range that I am fluctuating in to 195 pounds. I know what I need to do from a diet perspective and that is EAT the calories I need to loose weight which means eater more of the correct proportions (Carbs/Fat/Protein) that will both fuel my training and help me loose weight. I can only think that my next long race at 195 will be easier on me then my current weight. I also for once in my life want to "look" lean and for my body structure and height 195 should do it. I don't need to loose any more weight for my diabetes or high blood pressure but I want to for my own sake.
- Add cross training into my running to work different muscles that I might not use if I just run and to help improve my aerobic conditioning while taking away some of the stress of just running. So I want to add lap swimming and cycling into my weekly routine.
- This uncoordinated man who is as flexible as crowbar needs to learn some Yoga. I am terrible at stretching and I want to get myself into a daily routine that I can do to stay limber and improve my running.
- My running goals are simple: Sub Two Hour 1/2 Marathon, Get back to my pre-calf injury 5K PR of 24:35 and do my summer 4 miler in 30 to 31 minutes. In regards marathons I want to train for another one and do it at the 4:30 pace I was shooting for in Boston and meet that goal.
So how do I put this plan into effect? Well I first off going to start using the Zone Diet method for my fueling needs. This method is not much of a calorie restriction plan as one of eating to %'s that are closer to what my Diabetes needs to function best. Also in the past I have been able to loose weight and maintain my training with this plan. I know exactly how many calories to consume to maintain my weight and to loose weight and to factor in training but the Zone allows me to easily break this down into blocks that I manage quicker. I just don't have the time to count every calorie or macro nutrient but that is what I need to do to make sure I eat enough. See for me the problem is I tend to not eat enough and my body goes into starvation mode and thus I am at the plateau that I am at.
In regards to training I first have to get back on the road for some runs and I will be doing that on Sunday for a leisurely 5 mile run. I next am planning on following through with my promise to SneakerSister to take the Half Marathon Circuit Challenge http://sneakersister.blogspot.com/search/label/HM%20Circuit%20Challenge
I am hoping to get my legs back and do this maybe next weekend.
So there is a lot more on these subjects to come, if any of you have feedback on using the Zone or workout plans such as Crossfit or P90x, I would love to hear your opinions.