Monday, August 25, 2008

Flat roads make a nice vacation


I went with the family on vacation to the coast of Maine in OOB. We had a condo on the water with a pool and beach access. The weather was pristine and I was happy to get clearance from my Physical Therapist to run my scheduled training for the Hal Higdon Novice Half Marathon schedule. With the injury I decided to stick with the basic training approach with the hopes of preventing further injuries.

I started the week with a 5.5 mile run on Sunday the 17th, then a 5 mile run on Tuesday, 4 mile on Wednesday and finally a 7 mile run on Friday. I kept a steady pace for all of these runs between 9:45 to 10:00 minute pace but most importantly I didn't aggravate the calf injury any further.

So I am going to keep plugging at the training program and build my LSR to 12 in the next couple of weeks. I am not sure if the sub two hour half is within reach but I do know I will FINISH it and that is the primary goal since Boston is the real target.


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